Dancing with Dr Sharma
About 35 enthusiastic and young at heart participants from mostly urban backgrounds attended Nature Cure Basics English Course , They spent 6 days at Sadhana Farms with Dr. Arun Sharma learning Life Natural theory, doing hands on therapies, practicing Karma Yoga in the farm/kitchen and having fun with one another. One of the participants would break out into a song about every carrot and tomato that she touched and that was a great energizer, especially on the day of fasting.
And simultaneously, 15 practicing students learnt nuances of health education with Dr. Sharma in a Health Educator prep course. These students also assisted and trained with the basic course students, doubling up as their Health Buddies.
Regardless of levels, everyone donned the volunteer hat with joy and that made all the difference.
Look forward to the same course in Tamil and Kids Camp that are to follow.